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The Pieces Neovim plugin provides several commands to interact with Pieces OS. Here's a list of available commands:

General Commands


Check the health of Pieces OS.



Display the version of Pieces OS.



Display the current version of the Pieces Neovim plugin.



Open the Pieces Copilot window in a split view.


Using the Copilot Chat

  1. Press i to enter insert mode and type your message.
  2. Press <Esc> to exit insert mode.
  3. Press <Enter> to send the message to Pieces Copilot and see the response.

Copilot Commands

In the Copilot input, you can use slash commands to perform specific actions:


Change the current LLM model.


Open a list of Pieces Copilot conversations to choose from.


Navigation and actions:

  • Press <Del> on the selected conversation to delete it
  • Use <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to navigate the conversation list
  • Press <Enter> to open the selected conversation in the Copilot


List all of the saved snippets.


Navigation and actions:

  • Use <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to navigate the snippet list.
  • Press <Enter> to open the selected snippet for editing.
  • Press <Del> on the selected snippet to delete it.
  • When editing a snippet:
    1. Press i to enter insert mode and make changes.
    2. Press <Esc> to exit insert mode.
    3. Type :w and press <Enter> to save the edited snippet.
    4. Type :q and press <Enter> to exit the snippet editor.


Create a snippet from the selected text in the visual mode.

  1. Enter visual mode by pressing v in normal mode.
  2. Select the desired text using arrow keys or Vim motions.
  3. Type :PiecesCreateSnippet and press <Enter>.


  • When editing a snippet opened with :PiecesSnippets, remember to save your changes using the :w command.
  • Use visual mode to select text before running :PiecesCreateSnippet to create a new snippet.